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乳幼児教育学研究 第32号 掲載論文要旨


No.32 2023







Examination of Overcoming Conflicts in 4-Year-Olds: Focusing on the
Learning Process of “Spinning-Top”
Takahiro SAKURAI


Frame Conflicts Faced by Supporting Child-Care Provider
with Experience as a Child-Care Provider


Research on the Historical Transition Process of Clay Expression:
Focusing on the Content of Nursery Magazines
Haruhi OTOBE


What is the Kindergarten Teacher’s Assista
in Connecting Outreach to Daily Play






倉 谷 昭 子*  飯 野 祐 樹**

Examination of Overcoming Conflicts in 4-Year-Olds: Focusing on the Learning Process of “Spinning-Top”


The purpose of this research is to focus on the difficulties and conflicts that occur in the learning process of play, and to examine the process of overcoming them. Specifically, this study focused on 都pinning top・ which is one of the plays that children find difficult to master, and collected episodes about the process leading up to the mastery of two children, and analyzed them with M-GTA. From the first experience of spinning tops, it became clear that various difficulties and conflicts arise, and it was suggested that several factors are involved in overcoming conflicts. In the process of learning play, multiple difficulties and conflicts may be occur, and various elements such as the influence of the human environment and material circumstance, the relationship between technology and emotions, time and tools interact, leading to mastery of play. In addition, it became clear that as the skill improved, confidence was arising, the range of emotional ups and downs in conflict became smaller, and positive emotions appeared accordingly. The results of this study are effective in deepening our understanding of how children痴 minds grow in the process of learning play.

 Key words: spinning-top, conflict, overcoming, M-GTA, 4 year child




櫻 井 貴 大*

Frame Conflicts Faced by Supporting Child-Care Provider with Experience as a Child-Care Provider

Takahiro SAKURAI


The purpose of this study was to focus on the difficulties Supporting Preschool Teachers faced by difficulties with experience as a Preschool teachers and to identify the relationship between these difficulties and the “frames” of reference.
The results of this study revealed that the background of the difficulties included frame conflict of the self due to the target child’s appearance, frame conflict due to the frame of others (homeroom teachers and guardians), and frame conflict between the self and the self. Furthermore, it was clarified that the difficulty was caused by the frustration of having to leave the child to the homeroom teacher because the child had experience as a homeroom teacher and understood the homeroom teacher’s frame. This result may lead to the clarification of the roles of homeroom teachers and teachers’ assistants by focusing on the difference between the homeroom teacher’s frame of reference and that of the teacher’s assistants. Furthermore, by clarifying the roles and understanding each other’s frames, the homeroom teacher and the assistant teacher will be able to understand each other’s task setting and the structure that leads to the action, which is expected to enable smooth collaboration.

 Key words: frame, reframe, reflection, Supporting Preschool Teachers



 坪 田 晨 歩 *  飯 野 祐 樹 **

Research on the Historical Transition Process of Clay Expression:
Focusing on the Content of Nursery Magazines



The purpose of this study is to focus on clay in expressive education, examining the common points, differ-ences, and issues with a historical review using the magazine “Youji-no-Kyouiku”. The characteristics of the articles in each period are as follows. In the Meiji period, most of the articles were about the role of clay in general terms such as childcare views, childcare methods, toys, etc., and liberalism was strongly influenced by the New Education Movement in the United States. The contents of articles in the Taisho period that followed tended to be similar to those in the Meiji period. In the early Showa period, the creation of childcare proposals was advocated, and some of them were titled “systematic childcare” and “induction childcare,” and there were many contents that seemed to be new in childcare methods. Broadly classifying the content of the articles seen in the late Showa period after the war, the majority were related to childcare records, followed by many articles that captured clay activities from a psychological aspect. Based on the findings of this study, the following three points were suggested for childcare workers to keep in mind when considering clay activities in the future. Firstly, “the ability to touch and feel the characteristics of various clay materi-als”, secondly “acquisition of the perspective of understanding the characteristics of clay in terms of its connections with history and society”, and thirdly “to connect children’s understanding with the properties of clay”.

 Key words: clay expression, Youji-no-Kyouiku, expressive education, historical review



乙 部 はるひ*

What is the Kindergarten Teacher’s Assistance in Connecting Outreach to Daily Play

 Haruhi OTOBE


This study was intended to clarify what kind of assistance is needed by kindergarten teachers to connect outreach to daily play. In a four-year-old class at a public kindergarten, I observed children’s play after the Japanese drumming and the flamenco viewing. I used the “triangle of play” which represents the “child - tool - object” triad. I examined how the “play triangle” and the intentions and involvement of the kindergarten teacher developed in a mutually constitutive manner. In both outreaches, a strong yearning, interest, and desire to imitate was nurtured in the children. The kindergarten teacher foresaw that in Japanese drumming, the children’s interest converged with the exploration of the type of cultural practice, and in flamenco, the children’s interest expanded to the dancers’ dance, costumes, and the sound of their shoes. Although each child’s “triangle of play” was slightly different, the kindergarten teacher helped them to develop as a group “triangle of play” by interacting with each other in a mutually constitutive manner. It can be inferred that the children were exposed to cultures such as Japanese drumming and flamenco that had been created over a long period of time in their home country, and with the assistance of their kindergarten teacher, they were able to reproduce them in their daily play and enter in the culture.

 Key words:outreach, self-motivated play, kindergarten teacher’s assistance, 4-year-olds, triangle of play

  JSEYC: 日本乳幼児教育学会
Last Update: 2024/3/5