乳幼児教育学研究 第19号 掲載論文要旨
No.19 2010
中坪史典* 秋田喜代美** 増田時枝***
The Characteristics of Kindergarten Teachers’ Narratives in Early Childhood Education and Care Conferences:
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between kindergarten teachers’ narratives in early childhood education and care conferences and the characteristics of their kindergartens, through focusing on recognition and expression of emotion. The cooperators in this study are 15 teachers in three kindergartens. They discussed three early childhood education and care videos, and we analyzed the expression and recognition of emotion in their narratives. Results of this study show that styles of kindergarten teachers’ narratives differ by kindergarten, and can be sorted as follows: Key words: early childhood education and care conference, teachers’ narratives, recognition of emotions, expression of emotions |
幼稚園教員・小学校教員・幼稚園児の保護者の 中澤潤* 中道圭人**
Differences in Recognition of “Important Experiences in Early Childhood” between Jun NAKAZAWA Keito NAKAMICHI This study examined differences in the recognition of “important experiences in early childhood” between kindergarten teachers, 1st grade elementary school teachers and kindergartners’ parents, and cohort differences between 1991 and 2006. In Study 1, conducted in 2006, kindergarten teachers, elementary school teachers and parents all recognized “the experience of forming basic daily habits (e.g., cleaning up)” as important and “the experience of preparing for school education” as unimportant in early childhood. They also had different recognition of other experiences. For example kindergarten teachers considered autonomy and activities based on children’s own interests and curiosity as important, 1st grade elementary school teachers considered the experience of self-regulation as important, and kindergarten teachers and elementary school teachers considered interpersonal experiences to be more important than did parents. These differences are discussed in terms of differences in the understanding of developmental traits of early childhood, and different demands of kindergarten and elementary school life. Study 2 compared this type of recognitions between 2006 and 1991 and showed no cohort differences among kindergarten teachers. However, parents over the years increasingly recognized educational activities as unimportant, and elementary school teachers came to recognize adaptive and school achievement activities as more important. These results are discussed with regard to maladaptation of 1st grade children and the decline in Japanese children’s school achievement over in the past decade. Key words: kindergarten teacher, elementary school teacher, kindergartener’s parent,cooperation and coordination among kindergarten ,elementary school and paren |
未就園児をもつ母親の援助要請行動の生起過程 諸井泰子* 杉本信*
The Process of Help-seeking Behavior of Mothers with Children Outside of Preschool; Yasuko MOROI Shin SUGIMOTO
The purpose of this study was to investigate into the relationship between process of help-seeking behavior in mothers whose children have not entered a nursery school facility and a preschool facility, and promoted attitude and restrained attitude toward help-seeking. 65 mothers participating in a childcare support project answered the questionnaires, which covered the following three points: mothers’ purpose of participation in a childcare support project, and mothers’ facilitating attitude and inhibiting attitude toward help-seeking, and their help-seeking behavior preferences related to child rearing.
Key words: process of help-seeking behavior, mothers with children outside of preschool, mothers’ purpose of participation in childcare support project,mothers’ facilitating attitude and inhibiting attitude toward Help-seeking |
子育て期の母親の友人ネットワークの変遷 實川慎子*
Changes in the Friend Networks of Child-rearing Mothers Noriko JITSUKAWA
As the term “Mama-tomo” suggests, mothers recognize their relationships with friends.This study investigated the change in mothers’ networks of friends from adolescence to child-rearing after pregnancy and childbirth, focusing on the differences in each mother’s life course. Nine mothers took part in partly structured interviews.The results indicated: 1)Each mother had friendships that continued through their pregnancies and childbirth. Key words: relationships among mothers, life course, pregnancy and childbirth, mother’s network of friends, change |
幼稚園児同士のトラブル場面への介入における教育実習生の言語行為論的特質 山口美和*
Characteristics in Student Teachers’ Speech Acts at Social Conflicts between Children: Miwa YAMAGUCHI
The purpose of this research is to clarify the characteristics of student teachers’ speech acts (illocutionary acts and perlocutionary acts) through analyzing student teachers’ process-records describing the interactions of kindergarten student teacher and children at social conflicts between children such as physical violence and fought for toys. Process-record is a form of reflection of the episode by describing children’s speech and behaviors, student teacher’s thought, and student teacher’s speech and behaviors as time goes by. 33 cases are analyzed with the 28 categories based on classification of illocutionary acts as “offering”, “asking”, “command”, “forbidding”, etc.
Key words: speech act theory, illocutionary acts, perlocutionary acts, social conflicts, process-record |
アスペルガー症候群の子どもを対象とした保育における環境構成 湯澤美紀* 梶谷恵子*
Environmental Settings for an Asperger Syndrome Boy: Miki YUZAWA Keiko KAJITANI In this study we conducted an eleven-month observation study about influence of environmental settings on an Asperger Syndrome boy, and examined a role of the environment in the education of young children with special needs. We described three phases of how a teacher changed the settings of a space with a sofa, a table, and a shelf of books flexibly through the observation of the boy and other children. We revealed that the space where the boy prepared himself for the next activity at first changed gradually into a space where the boy interacted with his classmates. We suggested an importance of environmental settings constructed flexibly by a teacher through the everyday observation for young children with special needs Key words: environmental settings, Asperger Syndrome, teacher, observation study |
母親による乳児の泣きの理解と不安 富山尚子* Understanding of the Mother’s Ability to Recognize Infant Cry from the View of Maternal Anxiety Naoko TOMIYAMA This study examined mother’s ability to recognize the different sources of infants’ cry and explored mother’s anxiety and negative self-efficacy when they could not recognize the infant cry. One hundred and nineteen mothers lived in Tokyo, Saitama, and Akita, 25 had one preschool child and 94 had one preschool child and another child (6 months or more), were asked to rate some questions about their experiences of infants’ cry and maternal anxiety. The results provided the details of mother’s ability to recognize infants’ cry by mother’s own assessment, and revealed the relationship between social expectations associated with motherhood and the influences of emotional experiences -(maternal anxiety, negative self-efficacy). Moreover, the influence of factors of the number of children was also -revealed. The experience of bringing up the first child would weaken mother’s anxiety and negative self-efficacy in bringing up the second child. Key words: infant, cry, recognize, mother’s ability, maternal anxiety |
保育実践におけるケアの同心円構造についての考察 中山芳一*
An Examination of a Concentric Circle Structure in Child Caring Practice Yoshikazu NAKAYAMA
An element of building a human relationship through “cooperative experiences” was added to a segment of “human relationship” in the Japanese Kindergarten Education Guidelines published in 2008. Against this background, the quality of kindergarten education is going to be challenged from a view point whether or not it is at all possible to facilitate the building of human relationship through “cooperative experiences”. Key words: cooperative experience, caring, multiple concentric circles structure in caring, caring relationship, caring ability |
2–3歳児における保育集団での対話の発達的変化 淀川裕美*, **
The Developmental Change of Dialogue among 2?3 Year-Old Children at Nursery School Lunch Time: Yumi YODOGAWAI
This study aimed to elucidate developmental changes in the dialogue among 2–3 year-old children during lunch at a nursery school. I studied a class of 2-year-olds from the perspective of a participant–observer for 6 months, divided into three periods, each of which consisted of two consecutive months. The data were analyzed in terms of the two-layered structure of Bruner’s concept of “formats”, in which “deep structure” is realized through dialogue and “surface structure” represents the way children link their utterances. Key words: peer dialogue, formats, deep structure and surface structure, imitation, qualitative and quantitative analysis |
インクルーシブ保育に関する保育者の認識 石井正子* Perceptions of Inclusive Education Held by Kindergarten and Nursery School Teachers Masako ISHII
This study was designed to identify the structure of the perceptions of inclusive education held by kindergarten and nursery school teachers. A questionnaire survey was carried out targeting 258 such teachers. The results of a factor analysis identified various influences of inclusive education, including three factors regarding children with special needs, four regarding normal, healthy children, and four regarding the teachers themselves.
Key words: inclusive early childhood education, perceptions of kindergarten and nursery school teachers,
children with special needs, awareness of challenging and worthwhile work, factor analysis |
旧公立幼稚園と幼保一体化施設の財政比較 手塚崇子*
Comparison of Public Finance Compare of Unified Institution of Kindergarten and Day Nursery with Former Public Day Nursery Takako TEZUKA
There was a municipality that thought whether maintain two decrept public kindergartens or found one new day nursery with inhabitant’s commitment. The municipality is Kuni Village in Gunma Prefecture. Kuni Village founded unified institution of kindergarten and day nursery ‘Kuni Kodomoen’ by using a special district. The purpose is to receive resident’s child care demands and needs from 0-years old child care. Then, comparing service and public finance of old public kindergartens with Kuni Kodomoen becomes useful information for the kindergarten and day nursery integration facilities of the future.
Key words: public kindergarten, kodomoen, unified institution of kindergarten and day nursery,
public finance compare, efficiency |
幼児のもつ植物概念の検討 宮城利佳子*
Investigation of the Botanical Concepts Understood by Preschool Children Rikako MIYAGI
This study examined 5- to 6-year-old childrens’ ability to recognize plant structures (roots, lianas, and the position of fruit and new seeds) and the functions of plant structures (roots, lianas, leaves, flowers, and seeds) after a cultivation project. Ninety-seven children from two kindergartens and one day-care center were interviewed. Key words: 5- to 6-year-old children, cultivation in kindergarten, plant structure, function of plant structures, vitalistic ideas |
Transformation of Child as Social Relationship Structure: Tsunaki TOMITA The purpose of the study is to clarify the mechanism that transforms the child buried under the child care practice. In that case, the focus is applied to not an inner transformation of the individual but the social relationship structure and the child’s transformation is analyzed. Therefore, it paid attention to the child care practice at time when children’s standpoints and changes in the role appeared remarkably and it investigated. As a result, the following three points became clear. First, the transformation of the child is to do occurrence by taking charge of the “position” prescribed by a “system”, and the “role” prescribed by a “childcare plan” to have made the system reflect in daily childcare. Secondarily, the role is prescribed by “instruction” and “an intention” of the preschool teacher in a “mutual act.” Thirdly, the transformation of the child is made visible by the “evaluation” of the preschool teacher in “the mutual act”. In brief, the child’s transformation does substance in being able not to observe at any time, and using various resources in the social relationship structure in the kindergarten. Key words: transformation of child, social relationship structure, kindergarten, analysis from a relational viewpoint |
高学歴・高齢出産の母親支援における保育士の感情労働のプロセス 中坪史典* 小川晶** 諏訪きぬ***
A Nursery School Teacher’s Emotional Labor in Support of the Highly Educated and Older Mother Fuminori NAKATSUBO Aki OGAWA Kinu SUWA
The purpose of this study is to clarify the process undergone in the emotional labor of the nursery school teacher in her support of the highly-educated and older (late child-bearing) mother. In this study, the nursery school teacher chooses 12 episodes from one year, based on some variety, from documents and records in the nursery school, and reflects upon her emotions at the time of each. The Trajectory Equifinality Model (TEM) is used as the methodology. As a result of the study, the following three points have been clarified.
Key words: the emotional labor, the nursery teacher, the highly educated and older mother,
Trajectory Equifinality Model: TEM |